Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Nora Naranjo-Morse – Nov 11, Iyengar II & I

The way this poet writes about and thinks about clay is so similar to the way I think about Yoga. Any passion really…


Letting dreams come true

from songs

born from within,


inviting irresistible challenges.

There is nothing like an idea

that comes to life

through clay.

There is nothing better than a life

whose dreams

and ideas are

just too


to resist.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Esther G. Belin – Nov 9, Iyengar II & I

Another desert rat finds her way home.

In the Cycle of the Whirl - Voice Inside

In the summer of 1993, I worked in Torreon teaching creative writing classes to young people through the Torreon Counseling Services. I was excited to have a job on the rez and the challenge of re-experiencing the place of mystery and good fun. Living there as a grown woman was worlds away from what I remembered as a child.

The population of our little corner of the rez was thriving. HUD housing communities had been built and more were in progress, creating some employment. However, most residents are not permanently employed. A small Thriftway trading store was still the closest source for groceries, gas, and video rentals. As a kid, the land was immense and magical. No matter how much skin and blood I left on mesas and in arroyos, I continued to explore its crevices. That has not changed. The majesty of the land comforts the chaos that seeps down…

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Esther G. Belin – Nov 7, Fun with Chairs

Daylight Savings ended today, helpful on the climb toward the Solstice. Rather than fretting about the dark, maybe we rest?

The Bundling…

I am settling into the season of rest

no more hauling wood

it is hard to be inside a dwelling for such long periods of time

it is easy to be inside a dwelling for such long periods of time

no more hauling water

I am settling into the season

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Simon Ortiz – Nov 5, Iyengar III

In Sutra I.36, Patanjali offers “contemplating a luminous, sorrowless, effulgent light” as a means to creating inner stability; a quiet mind. Ortiz describes the same idea in this beautiful piece.


Out to mail a letter at the corner mailbox,

morning moment, the sunlight caught

me striding loosely uphill. I cannot mistake

this morning for what it is: sunshine, air

quick and rich in spirit, alert in my eye.

It is here; I'm crystallized for a moment,

light gleaming at a hill bottom. But it's only

Broderick and Haight, a California city.

It's the power of the solar cosmos holding

me upon the rent tortured covering of self,

making me a patchwork; this is my redemption

after all this morning; this is what will fly me

with the posted mail more than words, more

than language, a swift incision that opens me.

Light, light, the sun's force sears me cleanly

with the joy of the hilly park above me. I

cannot deny light's eager touch, opening petals

of my flowering heart, the sparkling cells

sharing the simple and deeply joyous laughter

of my voice which opens like a child's. Ho!

Light of this morning, I am alive, alive with you.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Simon Ortiz – Nov 4, Iyengar II & I

Iyengar Yoga has a saying “The Power of the Pause.” Meaning one should be able to stop, take a breath, evaluate your situation then respond rather than react. Or stop, pause, get organized, go forward, or not. To be able to pause can be an incredibly powerful tool! Simon Ortiz capture this idea so beautifully.


"just pausing,” she writes from Wyoming.

We're on opposite sides of the Continental Divide.

Yet I could be on her side. And she could be on this side.

Pause before the next step. "Or leap.”

We're not butterflies though we may wish to be.

Though we may imagine to be.

Though we may become aflight at times.

A pause is never absolute or too wide or fearful or minor.

The pause is there as it should be.

Significant, special, a moment to savor.

A space to let yourself be held within.

A space and moment that is.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Zuni – Nov 2, Iyengar II & I

For Native American Heritage Month. “When you think of a word what comes to mind? Maybe several layers come?”Your answers will give clues to your particular worldview.

Zuni Derivations


terrestrial light



cause to be light


make visible

valuable light

white corn

white shell necklace


cause to stand


cause oneself not to stand


stand together on the ground

be a village

— Selected & arranged by Dennis Tedlock

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond


For Halloween - Altamira Oriole, lives on the Rio Grande.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Edgar Allan Poe – Oct 31, Fun with Chairs

How lucky am I, to get to read The Raven on Halloween, and teach Bakasana on Chairs.


Quoth the Raven "Nevermore."

“Be that word our sign of parting, bird or fiend!" I

shrieked, upstarting—

"Get thee back into the tempest and the Night's Plu

tonian shore!

Leave no black plume as a token of that lie thy soul

hath spoken!

Leave my loneliness unbroken!—quit the bust above my


Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form

from off my door!

Quoth the Raven “Nevermore.”

And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is


On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber


And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is


And the lamp-light o’er him streaming throws his

shadow on the floor;

And my soul from out that shadows that lies floating on

the floor

Shall be lifted —nevermore!

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Edgar Allan Poe – Oct 29, Iyengar III

Of course, of course…


FROM childhood's hour I have not been

As others were—I have not seen

As others saw—I could not bring

My passions from a common spring—

From the same source I have not taken

My sorrow—I could not awaken

My heart to joy at the same tone—

And all I loved—I loved alone—

Then—in my childhood, in the dawn

Of a most stormy life—was drawn.

From every depth of good and ill

The mystery which binds me still

From the torrent, or the fountain—

From the red cliff of the mountain—

From the sun that round me rolled

In its autumn tint of gold

From the lightning in the sky

As it pass'd me flying by

From the thunder and the storm

And the cloud that took the form

When the rest of Heaven was blue

Of a demon in my view.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Edgar Allan Poe – Oct 28, Iyengar II & I

It’s Halloweeeeeeeeen! Poe of course! So fun to read.



Hear the tolling of the bells—

Iron bells!


And who, tolling, tolling, tolling,

In that muffled monotone,

Feel a glory in so rolling

On the human heart a stone—

They are neither man nor woman—

They are neither brute nor human—

They are Ghouls:—

And their king is who tolls:—

And he rolls, rolls, rolls,


A paean from the bells!

And his merry bosom swells

With the paean of the bells!

And he dances, and he yells;

Keeping time, time, time,

In a sort of Runic rhyme,

To the paean of the bells:—

Of the bells:

Keeping time, time, time

In a sort of Runic rhyme,

To the throbbing of the bells—

Of the bells, bells, bells—

To the sobbing of the bells:

Keeping time, time, time,

As he knells, knells, knells,

In a happy Runic rhyme,

To the rolling of the bells

Of "the bells, bells, bells:

To the tolling of the bells

Of the bells, bells, bells, bells,

Bells, bells, bells

To the moaning and the groaning of the bells.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

David Hinton – Oct 26, Iyengar Level I

Finally, Catron County’s wide open emptiness cured me of my desire to live in Kauai. Once a desert rat, always a desert rat.

It's everywhere

here in this


desert: the ten-billion

year sun-

pulse in which

we live. Even a simple

morning walk

measures out the deep

structures of

things, lungs

breathing our

scant heart-

beat of sky.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

David Hinton – Oct 26, Iyengar Level II

After visiting Walter de Maria’s “The Lightning Field”, my friend Jane Lackey said the word '“awesome” was correctly used.

Night's generous

dark offers

light a place

to enter. Dawn

smolders mountain

peaks into view, ignites


golds. Sun

pushes darkness

deeper and deeper

away here, until

the eye's dark opening

is all that

remains of

darkness. Wandering

through another

day, looking,

looking, I

keep the borderless

generosity of night


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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Campbell McGrath – Oct 25, Iyengar All Levels

After visiting Walter de Maria’s magnificent masterwork The Lightning Field. The isolation made contemplation of the stars and the question “Who’s there?” natural. McGrath’s questioning is a lot more elegant.

Voyager I & II (1977)

Now we begin to speak for you.

To greet, entreat, declaim and argue.

The voices we carry are yours, of course,

your melodies and genetic sequences sourced

and etched into our golden cores.

Like spores

from a broken milkweed plant

we float past planet

after planet, their parabolic array likewise

among the elemental designs

we display. Imagine the moment

of contact, in whichever quadrant

of whichever time-lost galaxy,

when they happen upon us and we

rehearse the tale

of how we first set sail

upon these silent interstellar seas,

replay the encoded dreams and histories

which impel a species

to step into the darkness, to leave

the only home it has ever known

in the hope that it is not alone.

Let there be others, in the great night,

we whisper. Let there be light.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Aditi Machado – Oct 22, Iyengar Level III

Learning to find the sea within…

First 'the sea indents the universe,’ then my body is

a beach from which I look into foam, an inquiry proceeds

a simile along its likeness.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Leslie Marmon Silko – Oct 21, Iyengar Level II & I

In Hawaii, everyone is Ohana, Family. People, plants, animals, rocks, reefs, the wind, the rain…all are Ohana. The world would be a better place if we humans, weren’t so certain that we are the center of the universe…


Seeing good places

for my hands

I grab the warm parts of the cliff

and I feel the mountain as I climb.

Somewhere around here

yellow spotted snake is sleeping on his rock

in the sun.


please, I tell them

watch out,

don't step on the spotted yellow snake

he lives here.

The mountain is his.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Norman MacCaig – Oct 19, Iyengar Level

I also love frogs. The only frogs I saw in Kauai, sadly, were flattened on the road. And there were quite a few…Sharing this piece because rosster crowing at 1:00pm (which they do), didn’t feel quite right, ha! I love the bravery and the image of ballet dancer’s legs.


Frogs sit more solid

than anything sits. In mid-leap they are

parachutists falling

in a free fall. They die on roads

with arms across their chests and

heads high.

I love frogs that sit

like Buddha, that fall without

parachutes, that die

like Italian tenors.

Above all, I love them because,

pursued in water, they never

panic so much that they fail

to make stylish triangles

with their ballet dancer's


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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Norman MacCaig – Oct 19, Iyengar Level II

One of my favorite “unexpecteds” from my trip to Kauai were the wild chickens everywhere. Evidently each group of people who found the islands brought chickens with them. The chickens interbred and thrived in domestic settings, until Hurricane Iniki in 1994. The hurricane destroyed everyone’s chicken coops, the chickens ran wild and were never recaptured. I love chickens, and even love roosters crowing at 5:00am (makes me feel less alone when I am up practicing). Not everyone feels the same way, I get it. Anyway, MacCaig is pretty far from Kauai, but roosters are roosters!

Cock before dawn

Those dabbing hens I ferociously love

sag on their perches, half deflated.

I'll have none of it. I'm regimental. A plumbline

goes from my head to my toes. I burnish

the dark with my breast.

Lucifer's my blood brother. When I spread my wings

I'm crystal battlements and thunderbolts. I tread the earth

by pretending not to.

The West and the East are measured from me ...

It’s time I crowed. The sun will be waiting.

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Norman MacCaig – Oct 18, Iyengar All Levels

For a beautiful Autumn morning in New Mexico!

Perfect morning

No idle corner in the air,

No formless seeking in a cloud

Marred the completeness everywhere

As though defects were disallowed

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

W.S. Merwin – Oct 15, Iyengar III

Merwin lived on Maui for decades, planting a magnificent garden. It was his birthday while I was on Kauai. From his last collection…Yes, I’m still obsessed with water.


Clouds over the mountaintops were its ancestors

fine rain gathered in rills among the hidden crags

each vein finding its way to its own kin

joining them and gathering speed and finding its voices

taking along flakes of starlight moonlight

daylight down through the wild distances

through dreams of flying and forgetting

and dreams of belonging but departing

now it lies there at last by its green pasture

and cradles the stillness of the empty sky

this is the present it was flowing toward

this is the face that it can never see

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Sara Easterson-Bond Sara Easterson-Bond

Gary Snyder – Oct 14, Iyengar II & I

All over Kauai, there were signs, sometimes hand-lettered reminding people that we are all Ohana (family). For them Ohana includes plants, birds, fish animals, rooks, reefs, etc. That open expression of basic values was interesting and refreshing. Because of my recent experience I was drawn to this piece Inupiaq is one of the languages of the Inuit people and a name they use for themselves. If you created a values tree, what would it look like?

Inupiaq values


















On the walls of a classroom in a tiny school in Kobuk Alaska just a bit

south of the tree-line.

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