Simon Ortiz – Nov 4, Iyengar II & I
Iyengar Yoga has a saying “The Power of the Pause.” Meaning one should be able to stop, take a breath, evaluate your situation then respond rather than react. Or stop, pause, get organized, go forward, or not. To be able to pause can be an incredibly powerful tool! Simon Ortiz capture this idea so beautifully.
"just pausing,” she writes from Wyoming.
We're on opposite sides of the Continental Divide.
Yet I could be on her side. And she could be on this side.
Pause before the next step. "Or leap.”
We're not butterflies though we may wish to be.
Though we may imagine to be.
Though we may become aflight at times.
A pause is never absolute or too wide or fearful or minor.
The pause is there as it should be.
Significant, special, a moment to savor.
A space to let yourself be held within.
A space and moment that is.