Maya Angelou- May 13, Iyengar II & I

Art, truth, and more…

In that little town in Arkansas, whenever my grandmother saw me reading poetry she would say, "Sister, Mama loves to see you read the poetry because that will put starch in your backbone."

Never put your sheroes and heroes up on pedestals; placing them on pedestals is setting yourself up for disappointment. You must take the good that people do and put the bright light on that good, but human beings can never withstand such light without showing their shadows and warts. All mortals have their shortcomings and weaknesses. Their skills and deeds are what we must applaud. Don't fall victim to the cult of personality.

Only poets care about what happened to the snows ofyesteryear.


Ko Un - May 16, Sunday Fun & Chair Class


Henry David Thoreau - May 9-10, Iyengar III, II, & I