Henry David Thoreau - May 9-10, Iyengar III, II, & I
A student’s husband, brought forward this book, collecting Thoreau’s journal entries from 1851. I have been opening it and reading from time to time over the last 6 months or so. Checking in to see what Thoreau was observing or thinking about at the particular day/month I was in. When I opened up to early May (1851), this is what I found…couldn’t believe it, yoga! And more that struck me.
Monday, May 6th 1851
The Harivansa describes a "substance called Poroucha, a spiritual substance known also under the name of Mahat, spirit united to the five elements, soul of beings, now enclosing itself in a body like ours, now returning to the eternal body; it is mysterious wisdom, the perpetual sacrifice made by the virtue of the Yoga, the fire which animates animals, shines in the sun, and is mingled with all bodies. Its nature is to be born and to die, to pass from repose to movement…
Thus the Yogin, absorbed in contemplation, contributes to his part Part to creation: he breathes a divine perfume, he hears wonderful things. Divine forms traverse him without tearing him, and united to the nature which is proper to him, he goes he acts, as animating original matter.
May 10th
Heard the Snipe over the meadows this evening
May 12th
If I have got false teeth, I trust that I have not got a false conscience. It is safer to employ the dentist than the priest-to repair die deficiencies of Nature.