Myra Klockenbrink - June 3, Iyengar II & I
An Ever Joyful Yoga supporter/fellow Iyenegar Yoga Teacher wrote this beauty, excerpted from a longer piece. My favorite “translation” of the mantra AUM (generally acknowledged to be untranslatable), is “the sound of the universe, present in all things”. Personally, I love the sound of garbage trucks but I know not everyone does. Made me think - what is “sound”, “song”, “noise”, in the ear of the listener?
Before it is morning
when the sun is still
rolling over the Atlantic Ocean
and it is midnight in Japan
it is very quiet
very easy to sit in silence
We are still
halfway between dreams
and daytime dramas
we can listen carefully
to the clear ring of no sound
Until as the light turns
and begins to take on color
the garbage truck rolls up the street
chuffing and braking
the men's voices as they call
to one another a clarion
of the brightening light
The birds pitch in
each pressing their own key
repeat repeat repeat
the garbage truck leads the parade
cars line up behind it
some old metal cabinet
now being fitted into its maw
Still the silence rings
holding the truck, the humming cars,
the repeating birds
and the scratch of the pen across the paper
For a time no-sound sounds
and there is nothing
only this breath