Mechtild of Magdeburg - Feb 14th, Iyengar Sunday Fun

For the great “love and faith” asana, Hanumanasana, this beautiful piece from the 12th century. Mechtild joined the Beguines, independent communities of lay women devoted to spirituality and good works. These communities were self-created when the Catholic Church was unwilling to create more convents. Some grew to cities of 14,000 people!

I cannot dance, O Lord,

Unless You lead me.

If You wish me to leap joyfully,

Let me see You dance and sing—

Then I will leap into Love—

And from Love into Knowledge,

And from Knowledge into the Harvest,

That sweetest Fruit beyond human sense.

There I will stay with You, whirling.


Ramayana - Feb 14th, Iyengar Sunday Fun & Chair Class


Archibald MacLeish - Feb 11, Iyengar II & I