Louis Jenkins - Iyengar All Levels - Sunday Fun Oct. 11

On the lighter side…is this happening to anyone else? Even if you don’t have a basement…?


There's something about our basement that causes forgetting. I go down for something, say a roll of paper towels, which we keep in a big box down there, and as soon as I get to the bottom of the stairs I have forgotten what I came down there for. It happens to my wife as well. So recently we have taken to working in tandem like spelunkers. One of us stands at the top of the stairs while the other descends. When the descendant has reached the bottom stair, the person at the top calls out, "Light bulbs, 60 watt." This usually works unless the one in the basement lingers too long. I blame this memory loss on all the stuff in the basement. Too much baggage: 10 shades of blue paint, because we could not get the right color, extra dishes bicycles, the washer and dryer, a cider press, a piano, jars of screws, nails and bolts.... It boggles the mind. My wife blames it on radon.


Laughing on a Saturday


Autumn Blaze!