Kim Shuck - July 8, Iyengar II & I
From Joy Harjo’s Anthology of Native Nation’s poetry created during her tenure as US Poet Laureate. Ms. Shuck belongs to the Northern California Cherokee diaspora. As we all get excited about summer rain, I started to think about how my sense of this place (Santa Fe, NM) is shaped by my relationship to water. I loved this poet’s take on water and relationship.
The water I used to drink spent time Inside a pitched basket
It adopted the internal shape
Took on the taste of pine
And changed me forever.
I remember
Carrying that basket from the pump,
The slow swell of the damp roots,
Sway of a walk
That made carrying it easier.
Sometimes I imagine Step’s Ford,
Both in and out of flood,
Tar Creek,
Spring River
In and out of baskets.
Gram's hands
Long, smooth fingers powerful and exact
Pull and twist
Sorting spokes and splitting weavers
Constructing my idea of water.