Henry David Thoreau - Iyengar Level II & I, October 1st
First day of October, and a full moon, a sense of fullness and gratitude fills me this beautiful day. I love the whole essay but shared just a bit. Something about the shape of the apples and the tree bowing felt right. From Wild Apples…
…In October, the leaves falling, the apples are more distinct in the trees. I saw one year in a neighboring town some trees fuller of fruit than I remembered to have ever seen before, small yellow apples banging over the road. The branches were gracefully drooping with their weight, like a barberry-bush, so that the whole tree acquired a new character. Even the topmost branches, instead of standing erect, spread and drooped in all directions; and there were so many poles supporting the lower ones, that they looked like pictures of banian-trees. As an old English manuscript says, "The mo appelen the tree bereth, the more sche boweth to the folk.” Surely the apple is the noblest of fruits…