Erica Hunt – Aug 29th, Sunday Fun & Chair Class

I loved the description of interacting with computers. Poetry can come from anywhere.

On occasion, we produce history, the present's surprise

We measure speed by the absence of interruption.

We measure safety by the string of near misses.

We anticipate the end by who is telling the story.

At this time of night, there is a machine that calls you by name and

talks to other machines where you live, where you dance by your

fingertips over the globe, an address at a time, day into night.

This machine feigns a reckless intimacy with you, corrects your

spelling errors, as if reading your mind, but skips over others, like

replacing eros with errors and spiraling with spelling.


Amanda Jernigan – Aug 31, Iyengar II & I


Erica Hunt – Aug 26, Iyengar II & I