B.K.S. Iyengar – Jan 16,2022 Fun with Chairs
Natarajasana is such an interesting pose. It is extremely difficult in its fullest expression, and yet even a taste brings joy to newer students. The last line of Iyengar’s description in Light on Yoga might explain why.
Nataraja (nata = dancer, raja=lord, king) is a name of Siva, Lord of the Dance. Siva is not only the god of mystical stillness, death and destruction, but also Lord of the Dance. In His Himalayan abode on Mount Kailasa and in His southern home, the temple of Chidambaram, Siva dances. The God created over a hundred dances, some calm and gentle, others fierce and terrible. The most famous of the terrible ones is the Tandava, the cosmic dance of destruction, in which Siva, full of fury at his father-in-law Daksa for killing his beloved spouse Satī, surrounded by his attendants (ganas), beats out a wild rhythm, destroys Daksa and threatens the world.
This vigorous and beautiful pose is dedicated to Siva, Lord of the Dance, who is also the fountain and source of Yoga.